Tuesday, February 17, 2009

why i choose pscycholgy as my course?

when the people ask me why i choose psychology as my course?i simple answer "ayy na buang naku=>''with smile in my face.
Because my parents choose this course for me because it has a lot of opportunities i dont want this course that time i always refuse of they want for me and insist my want course he tourism and HRM.but anytime we talk about it they always discourage me of what i want.
the time come that i dont have a choice i really nedd follow them becausethat is the last day of enrolment.
i just told to myself that time my parents knows good for me.so maybe psychology is a good choice.
I try my best to love my course,but i get discourage to myself beacause i get a failed subject
But i did'nt loose hope i cath'up my lesson and study will.
Until the time come i learned to love it and appreciate.
Because i anytime i read a book of psychology i have a lot of qustion about the human behavior